In this section


We keep a public register of all authorised retailers and publish any application for authorisation or to transfer, surrender or withdraw an authorisation.
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Network exemptions

We keep a public register of everyone who has an individual or registrable network exemption.
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Exemption type

Retail exemptions

We keep a public register of everyone who has an individual or registrable retail exemption including the class of exemption and applicable conditions.
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Exemption type

Guidelines, schemes, models and reviews

View our series of guidelines, schemes, models and reviews to help market participants in the gas and electricity transmission and distribution networks.
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Search through our key projects and outcomes including AER regulatory decisions, authorisations, exemptions and resources such as guidelines and reviews.
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Search through decisions on matters such as 5-year regulatory resets, annual network pricing, contingent projects, cost pass throughs and allocation methods.
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Determinations and Access Arrangements

View all AER decisions on the maximum amount of revenue that electricity network businesses and gas pipelines can earn from consumers over a 5-year period.
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Market statistics charts

Get the latest market trends by viewing and downloading charts and data sets from our most recent wholesale and retail market performance reports.
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