3016 result(s), displaying 1 to 12
Wholesale gas day ahead auction focus report
This report comes under AER’s new functions to monitor efficiency and competition in the east coast wholesale gas markets.
Performance reports
Origin Energy Electricity Ltd: Alleged breaches of the National Energy Retail Rules
Origin Energy Electricity Ltd has paid two infringement notices totalling $135,600 issued by the AER.
Compliance reports
Locality Planning Energy Pty Ltd: Alleged breaches of the National Electricity Law
Locality Planning Energy has paid two infringement notices totalling $135,600 issued by the AER for alleged breaches of the National Electricity Law.
Compliance reports
AER provides guidance to retailers following Better Bills Guideline compliance activities
The AER has written to retailers to provide guidance for compliance with the Better Bills Guideline (Version 2).
Compliance reports
2024 Electricity and gas networks performance report
Our network performance reports presents our latest electricity and gas networks performance within regulatory frameworks.
Performance reports
DCCEEW Consultation - Streamlining network connection processes for consumer energy resources and electric vehicle supply equipment
On 20 September 2024, the AER made a submission to DCCEEW on Streamlining network connection processes for CER and EVSE.
AEMC rule change - Accelerating smart meter deployment
On 5 June 2024, the AER made a submission on the AEMC draft determination on Accelerating smart meter deployment.
ACCC and AER Corporate Plan 2024-25
The Corporate Plan outlines our strategic objectives and describes our operating environment and our performance measures.
Corporate reports
Gas quarterly disconnection reporting
We collect and publish data from gas network businesses that allow us to monitor disconnections from the distribution networks.
Performance reports
AEMC Review - Electricity pricing for a consumer-driven future
On 27 August 2024, the AER made a submission on the AEMC Terms of reference on the Review of electricity pricing for a consumer-driven future .
Significant price variation report - 19 and 21 June 2024 (Victorian gas market)
Significant price variation event report for Victorian daily ancillary payments exceeding $250,000.
Performance reports
Statement of Expectations and Statement of Intent 2024–25
In September 2022, Energy Ministers agreed on a Statement of Expectations for the Australian Energy Regulator.
Corporate reports