Our role

Wholesale gas and electricity markets are where generators, distributors and retailers buy and sell energy based on supply and demand.

Our monitoring and reporting role in wholesale energy markets is to ensure everyone is participating fairly and effectively on behalf of Australian consumers.

Our activities include monitoring market dispatch and prices, participant bidding and rebidding, network constraints and outages, demand forecasts and forecasts of production and capacity. We report on market activity and outcomes, prices outside normal thresholds and compliance monitoring activities.

We inform policymakers, market participants and the community of our findings through regular trusted reporting and analysis by our subject matter experts in key publications such as the Wholesale markets quarterly and the State of the energy market report.

In this section

Wholesale performance reporting

We inform policymakers, participants and the community about the efficiency and effectiveness of the wholesale gas and wholesale electricity markets.
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Wholesale compliance and enforcement

We monitor, investigate and enforce compliance with obligations under national energy laws to build trust and consumer confidence in Australia’s energy system.
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Wholesale guidelines and reviews

Our guidelines and reviews provide comprehensive and transparent instructions that ensure fair practices, efficiency and accountability within the energy sector.
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Notice of closure exemptions

Generators are required to provide at least 42 months advance notice of their intention to close unless we grant an exemption. See the exemptions we’ve granted.
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ISP and RIT-T compliance issues register

We maintain and publish a compliance issues register associated with the AEMO’s Integrated Systems Plan and the Regulatory Investment Test for Transmission.
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Pipeline capacity trading

The AER is responsible for monitoring and enforcing compliance with the National Gas Rules associated with the Capacity Trading Platform and the Day Ahead Auction.
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NSW coal market price emergency

We are the appointed regulator in the NSW Government’s declared coal market price emergency, overseeing the compliance of directions issued.
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