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The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has published a draft gas ring‑fencing decision guide for consultation, setting out how the AER will apply its powers, functions and processes in relation to gas ring‑fencing decisions.

The draft guide aims to assist gas pipeline service operators to better understand their ring-fencing obligations, and, where relevant, how to apply for exemptions from certain obligations. 

It also outlines additional context and information about the AER’s processes and functions, including providing clarification on the requirements for applications or notifications to the AER on ring‑fencing matters.

We are required to develop this guidance, in line with rule 35D of the National Gas Rules, following the Australian Energy Market Commission’s 2022 'Review into extending the regulatory frameworks to hydrogen and renewable gases’. 

We are seeking feedback from stakeholders on whether the content of the draft guide is fit for purpose and clear on the processes for applications and AER’s assessments. Stakeholders are encouraged to specify where further clarifications may be needed. 

Have your say

We invite stakeholders to provide submissions on our draft gas ring‑fencing decision guide. 

We prefer to make written submissions publicly available to facilitate an informed and transparent consultative process. We will treat written submissions as public documents unless otherwise requested.      

Stakeholders should email any comments or written submissions to gaspipelineexemptionsataer [dot] gov [dot] au (gaspipelineexemptions[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au) by close of business on Friday 4 October 2024.

The AER will consider stakeholder feedback in developing the final guide which will be published in November 2024.

View the draft