
Indicative timetable

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this project was paused. In April 2022, the AER provided an updated timeline.

Milestone Date
Discussion paper published  November 2019
Submissions on discussion paper closed January 2020
Issues paper published 31 May 2022
Submissions on issues paper close 22 July 2022
Draft guideline published November 2022
Submissions on draft guideline close December 2022
Final Guideline published March 2023

*Please note this timeline is subject to change. 


On 7 March 2019, Energy Networks Australia wrote to the AER requesting that we delay our review of the Electricity Transmission Ring-fencing Guidelines. In March 2019, we published the letter and sought submissions from interested parties. 

Submissions - Proposal


In response to our request for submissions, we received three submissions. One of the three submissions received was confidential and will not be published.

Discussion paper

On 15 November 2019, the AER released a discussion paper to commence a review of ring-fencing arrangements for transmission network service providers (TNSPs). This paper sought input from stakeholders to inform the development of an updated Electricity Transmission Ring-fencing Guideline (guideline).

The transmission ring-fencing discussion paper:

  • provided an overview of services that can be provided by TNSPs
  • raised potential harms and benefits from TNSP participation in competitive markets for electricity services, and
  • provided examples of ring-fencing arrangements that could be adapted to an updated transmission ring-fencing guideline.

We consider that a review of transmission ring-fencing arrangements is timely. The current guideline was first developed in 2002 and underwent minor updates in 2005. The discussion paper considered changes in markets for contestable electricity services since the initial guideline, and the AER's recently developed national approach to ring-fencing of electricity distribution networks.

Submissions - Discussion paper

We invited interested parties to make submissions on our discussion paper by 31 January 2020. We received nine submissions.

Issues paper

On 31 May the AER released an issues paper which re-commences the full review of the Transmission Ring-fencing Guideline.

Stakeholder forum - Issues paper

The AER hosted a virtual public information session for stakeholders on 15 June 2022 from 9:30 to 10:30 am AEST. 

Submissions - Issues paper


Submissions to the issues paper closed on 22 July 2022.

AusNet Services- Response to AER Questions (Attachment 2) - 22 July 2022

AusNet Services (T)
Content type

Late submissions

Submissions received after 22 July 2022.