Revenue determinations for REZ projects 

The NSW Government’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap sets out a plan to coordinate investment in electricity transmission, generation, storage and firming infrastructure and transform the NSW electricity system into one that is cheap, clean and reliable.

The Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) is a statutory authority appointed as the roadmap’s Infrastructure Planner and is responsible for leading the delivery of Renewable Energy Zones (REZ). The types of infrastructure projects in a REZ include solar farms, wind farms, super batteries and transmission lines to bring power to the home. 

The AER does not decide on the size and scale of these infrastructure projects itself. These aspects are determined by the Infrastructure Planner and approved by the Consumer Trustee. Our role is to scrutinise the cost of these projects so energy consumers pay no more than necessary now and in the future. The costs will be recovered from NSW consumers through the yearly contribution determination.  

We will add to this section as more projects reach the point of AER involvement. 

In this section

Waratah Super Battery

View our decisions on the contestable and non-contestable components of the Waratah Super Battery project.