
Accepting submissions
South Australia
Commencement date
Regulatory period
AER reference

SA Power Network's draft decision

On 27 September 2024, we released our draft decision for SA Power Networks.

On 14 October 2024, we will be hosting an online predetermination conference for SA Power Networks to discuss our draft decisions. Registrations for the conference are available through the linked Eventbrite page.

Interested stakeholders are invited to make a submission on our draft decision by 17 January 2025. Submissions should be sent to SAPN2025ataer [dot] gov [dot] au (SAPN2025[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au) 

SA Power Networks' proposal

On 31 January 2024 SA Power Networks submitted its 2025–30 Regulatory Proposal to the AER. The proposal sets out the revenue SA Power Networks proposes to collect from its consumers through distribution network charges over the 2025–30 regulatory control period.

On 26 March 2024, the AER published an Issues Paper highlighting some of the key elements of SA Power Networks’ proposal and identifying the issues that are likely to be the focus of our assessment and engagement with stakeholders. An online public forum has held on Tuesday 9 April 2024. 

Stakeholder submissions on SA Power Networks 2025–30 Regulatory Proposal, our Issues Paper, and the proposed negotiated distribution service criteria closed on 15 May 2024 and are now available on our website. 


SA Power Networks (SAPN) is an electricity distribution network service provider. 

Under the National Electricity Rules (NER) SAPN must submit an electricity distribution revenue proposal for the next five year regulatory control period commencing 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2030 (2025-30) to the AER by 31 January 2024.

Prior to this, the NER required us to review the current Framework and approach paper that applies to SA Power Networks for the 2025–30 period and decide whether to amend or replace it. On 3 July 2023 the AER published the final Framework and Approach for SA Power Networks.

Key Documents