Learn more about the priorities and activities in our consumer energy resources work program which point towards consumers being able to own energy resources and use those resources to consume, store and trade energy as they choose.
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Compliance reports
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Performance reports
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Search through current and historical reports
DCCEEW Consultation – Draft National Energy Equity Framework
On 23 October 2024, the AER made a submission to the DCCEEW Consultation on the Draft National Energy Equity Framework.
AEMC rule change - Accelerating smart meter deployment
On 5 June 2024, the AER made a submission on the AEMC draft determination on Accelerating smart meter deployment.
ACCC and AER Corporate Plan 2024-25
The Corporate Plan outlines our strategic objectives and describes our operating environment and our performance measures.
Corporate reports
AEMC Review - Electricity pricing for a consumer-driven future
On 27 August 2024, the AER made a submission on the AEMC Terms of reference on the Review of electricity pricing for a consumer-driven future .
Statement of Expectations and Statement of Intent 2024–25
In September 2022, Energy Ministers agreed on a Statement of Expectations for the Australian Energy Regulator.
Corporate reports
AER has written to retailers to outline expectations on providing energy plan information for Energy Made Easy
The AER has written to retailers to outline expectations and guidance when submitting energy plan information under the Retail Pricing Information Guideline.
Compliance reports
AER has written to retailers to outline expectations regarding Buy Now, Pay Later services
The AER has written to retailers to outline expectations regarding Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) services.
Compliance reports
AER has written to retailers to outline expectations regarding HelpPay
The AER has written to retailers to outline expectations regarding HelpPay.
Compliance reports
Better Bills Guideline: AER decision on application for additional messages - Simply Energy (May 2024)
The AER has considered an application from Simply Energy (now known as ENGIE) to include additional messages, not required by the Better Bills Guideline, among Tier 1 information (or on the front page) on their customer bills.
Compliance reports