Accepting submissions
Commencement date
Regulatory period
AER reference

On 30 August 2024, we released a Consultation Paper in respect to APA Group's application to convert the Basslink interconnector from a market network service to a prescribed transmission service. The Consultation Paper sets out the factors we will consider in reviewing APA Group's application, including modelling scenarios where Basslink is converted to a prescribed transmission service and others where it is not. 

The Consultation Paper is supported by ACIL Allen's modelling report, available on our website.

Concurrently, we have released a revised Commencement and Process Paper that sets out the updated timeframe and process that will apply to Basslink. 

On 10 November 2023, we released an Issues Paper for the Basslink interconnector conversion application and revenue determination. Submissions in response to the Issues Paper are available on our website. 


Interested stakeholders are invited to send submissions and evidence to support our consideration of Basslink’s conversion by 20 September 2024. Submissions and requests to make a submission via alternative methods should be sent to ResetCoordataer [dot] gov [dot] au (ResetCoord[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au)


Basslink is a 500 MW undersea transmission cable which links Loy Yang in Victoria to George Town in Tasmania. In 2022, APA Group acquired Basslink Pty Ltd, the owner and operator of Basslink. 

In December 2022, the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) implemented a rule change which allows us to make a transmission determination for a network service provider that has applied to us seeking to convert its network services to prescribed transmission services.

On 19 May 2023, APA Group lodged an application:

  • to convert Basslink’s network services from market network services to prescribed transmission services
  • requesting us to commence, and determine, the process of making a transmission determination for Basslink. 

Lodging the request to convert means that Basslink is an ‘Intending TNSP’ under rule 6A.9 of the National Electricity Rules (NER). An Intending TNSP may ask us to commence the process of making a transmission determination. 

On 14 July 2023, the AER published its decision to commence a transmission determination process for Basslink and the Commencement and Process Paper outlining the process that will apply for this determination.