New South Wales Government
Covered by regulation
State of the Energy Market 2014
Current regulatory period: 1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015*
Line length (km) |
Electricity transmitted 2012-13 (GWh) |
Asset base June 2013 ($million) |
12 893 |
65 200 |
5 289 |
*One year transitional arrangements are in place in NSW and Tasmania.
Transgrid HumeLink contingent project stage 2
Transgrid Victoria to NSW Interconnector West (VNI West) contingent project application stage 1 early works
The AER's decision relating to the Humelink early works contingent - stage 1 part 1.
TransGrid's cost allocation methodology (CAM) governs the manner in which TransGrid is allowed to allocate costs to the transmission services it provides.
Cost allocation methods
Transgrid's Cost Allocation Method (2017) was superceeded in May 2023.
Cost allocation methods
Transgrid's electricity transmission determination for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2023
Transgrid's current electricity transmission determination applies from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2028.
Transgrid Network information - RIN responses
Transmission performance data 2006-2018