On 31 January 2020, Jemena submitted its regulatory proposal for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2026.
Regulatory proposal
Jemena - 2021-26 Regulatory Proposal - Printer Friendly Version - 31 January 2020
Jemena - 2021-26 Regulatory Proposal - Short on Time - 31 January 2020
Jemena - Regulatory Proposal for the Intervening Period - 31 January 2020
Jemena - Att 08-02 Tariff structure statement explanatory document - 31 January 20201
Regulatory information notice
Jemena - RIN - 2021-26 Price Reset RIN Response - Cover Letter - 31 January 2020
Jemena - RIN 3 - Written Response Reference (Schedule 1 1.7) - 31 January 2020
Jemena - RIN 5 - Workbook 1 - Regulatory Determination - Consolidated - 31 January 2020
Jemena - RIN 6 - Workbook 2 - New CY Historical - Actual - 31 January 2020
Jemena - RIN 6 - Workbook 2 - New CY Historical - Consolidated - 31 January 2020
Jemena - RIN 6 - Workbook 2 - New CY Historical - Estimated - 31 January 2020
Supporting information
In addition to the files below, Jemena submitted:
- Attachment 02-02 - Capire - Community consultation report - 31 January 2020
This file is too large to upload to our website but we can provide this on request. Please email Vic2021-26aer [dot] gov [dot] au (Vic2021-26[at]aer[dot]gov[dot]au) (link sends email) if you would like a copy of this file.
Jemena - Capire Att 02-02 - Community consultation report - 31 January 2020
Confidentiality claims
Jemena - Attachment 01-01 - Claims for Confidentiality - 31 January 2020
AER - Comparative Table of Confidentiality Claims - updated July 2020
Proposed negotiated distribution service criteria
AER - Proposed Negotiated Distribution Service Criteria for Jemena - February 2020
Issues paper
On 7 April 2020 the AER released a joint Issues paper on AusNet Services, CitiPower, Powercor, Jemena and United Energy’s regulatory proposals. The paper sets out our initial impressions of all the distributors' proposals, including what we think will be some of the key issues for our assessment and areas in which we are particularly interested in receiving stakeholder feedback. We hope this paper is helpful for readers to form their own views on the proposal, as well as to engage on the specific areas of interest outlined. The issues paper signals the commencement of a comprehensive consultation process. Given the current circumstances of COVID-19, the AER understands the ability of stakeholders to respond may be impacted and we will be flexible to assist in the engagement and consultation process.
Submissions on Jemena's revenue proposal and the issues paper closed 3 June 2020.
AER - Issues paper - Victorian Electricity Determination 2021-26 – Amendment to paper - June 2020
Stakeholder forum
Due to the implications of COVID-19, the public forum was facilitated by uploading presentations developed by stakeholders on
22 April 2020 to our website, with an additional opportunity to submit questions.
The period for asking forum questions has now closed. Responses are now published on the Public forum page. This page contains all the presentations and responses uploaded across the five Victorian distributors and other stakeholders.
We invited written submissions on Jemena's proposal and our issue paper. Submissions closed on 3 June 2020.
AGL - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Consumer Challenge Panel 17- Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
DEWLP -Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
DEWLP - Submission on Tariff Structure Statements for the Victorian Electricity Distribution Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
EnergyAustralia - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Energy Safe Victoria - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Evie Networks - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Origin Energy - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Vector - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Allan Campbell - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Bernie Free - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Oonagh Kilpatrick - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Sarah Campbell - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - June 2020
Late submissions
Red Lumo - Submission on the Victorian Electricity Distribution Regulatory Proposal 2021-26 - 19 June 2020
Consumer Challenge Panel
The Consumer Challenge Panel, subpanel 17, has provided comments to the AER on the draft proposal in the lead-up to the submission of Jemena's formal regulatory proposal.