On 30 May 2014 the AER received a regulatory proposal from Ausgrid.
Expenditure forecasting methodology
Ausgrid - Cover letter to AER re Forecasting methodology - 29 November 2013
Regulatory proposal
Supporting information - Appendices
Ausgrid - 5.01 - Review of outcomes for the 2009-14 regulatory period - 2014
Ausgrid - 5.03 - Spatial demand forecast outcomes by zones and substations 2014
Ausgrid - 5.06 - Reliability and Performance Licence Conditions for DNSP, commencing 1 July 2014
Ausgrid - 5.27 - AER 1419 Technology Capital Expenditure Plan Overview
Ausgrid - 5.31 - Addressing the capex and opex objectives, critera and factors - 2014
Ausgrid - 5.32 - NERA economic interpretation of clauses 6.5.6 and 6.5.7 of NER - 2014
Ausgrid - 5.33 - Addressing the benchmarking factor for capex and opex - 2014
Ausgrid - 6.07 - Engineering Planning and Project Management Operating Expenditure plan - 2014
Ausgrid - 6.09 - Customer operations operating expenditure plan - 2014
Ausgrid - 6.11 - Other Operations and Business Support Opex Plan - 2014
Ausgrid - 7.03 - CEG - Efficiency of staggered debt issuance - Feb 2013
Ausgrid - 7.09 - NERA - The Fama-French Three-Factor Model - Oct 2013
Ausgrid - 7.10 - SFG - Alternative versions of the dividend discount model and the implied cost of equity - 2014
Ausgrid - 7.11 - SFG - Dividend discount model estimates of the cost of equity - 19 June 2013
Ausgrid - 7.12 - NERA - The market size and value premiums - June 2013
Augsrid - 7.13 - NERA - The Market Risk Premium, Analysis in response to the AER's draft guideline - 11 Oct 2013
Ausgrid - 7.15 - CEG - Estimating the E[Rm] in the context of recent regulatory debate - 2014
Ausgrid - 7.16 - SFG - Cost of equity in the Black Capital Asset Pricing Model - May 2014
Ausgrid - 7.17 - NERA - Estimates of the zero beta premium - 27 June 2014
Ausgrid - 7.19 - Regression-based estimates of risk parameters for the benchmark firm - 2014
Ausgrid - 7.20 - CEG - Information on equity beta from US companies- 2014
Ausgrid - 7.21 - CEG - Equity beta issues paper International comparators - 2014
Ausgrid - 7.22 - Gray et al - Comparison of OLS and LAD regression techniques for estimating beta - 26 June 2013
Ausgrid - 7.23 - Gray et al - The Vasicek adjustment to beta estimates in the Capital Asset Pricing Model - 17 June 2013
Ausgrid - 7.24 - Gray et. al. - Assessing the reliability of regression-based estimates of risk - 17 June 2013
Ausgrid - 7.25 - SFG letter - Water utility beta estimation - 28 October 2013
Ausgrid - 7.27 - SFG - An appropriate regulatory estimate of gamma - 2014
Ausgrid - 7.28 - NERA - Imputation Credits and Equity Prices and Returns - 2014
Ausgrid - 7.29 - SFG - Updated dividend drop-off estimate of theta - 7 June 2013
Ausgrid - 7.31 - Hathaway - Imputation credit redemption data from the ATO 1988-2011 - 2014
Ausgrid - 7.32 - NSW DNSP Submission on the Rate of Return consultation paper - June 2013
Ausgrid - 7.33 - NSW DNSP Submission to AER on the draft Rate of Return Guideline 11 Oct 2013
Ausgrid - 7.34 - NNSW response to AER letter on cost of debt averaging periods 27 Feb 2014
Ausgrid - 8.06 - Stakeholder engagement and customer consultation for public lighting - 2014
Ausgrid - 8.08 - Public lighting capex investment plan summary - 2014
Ausgrid - 8.09 - Public Lighting investment plan - Active Reactors - 2014
Ausgrid - 8.10 - Public Lighting - Replacement of twin 20 luminaires - 2014
Ausgrid - 8.11- Public lighting investment plan- Replacement of 42W CFL with LED - 2014
Ausgrid - 8.21 - Energeia Review of Ausgrid Metering Tariff Arrangements - 2014
Ausgrid - 9.02 - Demonstration of compliance with control mechanism SCS & ACS - 2014
Ausgrid - 9.04 - Recovery charges and jurisdictional scheme amounts - 2014
Ausgrid - further supporting information list of documents - May 2014
Ausgrid - 4.05 Adjustment of RAB for Type 5 & 6 Metering Services - 2014
Ausgrid - 4.09 - Calculation of EBSS carryover for the 2009-14 period - 2014
Ausgrid - 4.10 - Calculation of D-factor and DMIA adjustment for 2009-14 - 2014
Ausgrid - 5.21 - Capex by asset class for previous, current and forecast period - 2014
Ausgrid - 6.13 - Forecast opex by cost categories from 2004-19 - 2014
Ausgrid - 8.16 - Forecast opex for Type 5 and 6 metering services - 2014
Supporting information - Further supporting information
Ausgrid - further supporting information list of documents - May 2014
Consultation - proposed negotiated distribution service criteria (NDSC) for Ausgrid
Under clause 6.7.4 of the NER, the AER's distribution determination for Ausgrid must set out the Negotiated Distribution Service Criteria (NDSC). The NDSC determined by the AER must give effect to, and be consistent with, the negotiated distribution service principles set out in clause 6.7.1 of the NER.
AER negotiating framework and criteria paper - Ausgrid Negotiated Distribution Service Criteria
Confidentiality claims
This notice is an approximate indication of the proportion and comparative proportion of material in Ausgrid's regulatory proposal for 2014-19 and Regulatory Information Notice (RIN) response that is subject to a claim of confidentiality compared to that which is not.
AER - Confidentiality claims by NSW distributors (Ausgrid, Endeavour Energy and Essential Energy) - June 2014
Issues paper
On 11 July 2014 the AER released a corrected Issues paper on the NSW electricity distribution businesses' regulatory proposals. The correction relates to figure 13 on page 16 which now correctly reflects Essential Energy's operating expenditure. This paper aims to draw to stakeholders' attention some of the issues in the distributors' proposals that the AER thinks are likely to be important.
Stakeholder forum
On 10 July 2014, the AER held a public forum in Sydney on the revenue proposals submitted by the NSW electricity distribution network service providers (DNSPs) including Ausgrid.
A large number of stakeholders attended the forum.
The presentations from the Consumer Challenge Panel are the independent views of CCP members and do not necessarily reflect the views of the AER.
Submissions - to regulatory proposal
Submissions on Ausgrid's regulatory proposal closed 8 August 2014.
AGL - Submission on NSW electricity distribution networks regulatory proposals - 8 August 2014
Clean Energy Council - Submission on AER issues paper on NSW electricitydistribution regulatory proposals - 8 August 2014
Consumer Challenge Panel - Submission on NSW DNSP regulatory proposals 2014-19 - 12 August 2014
Consumer Challenge Panel (updated) - Submission on NSW DNSPs regulatory proposals 2014-19 - 15 August 2014
Council of Social Service of NSW - Submission on NSW electricity distribution network price determinations - 7 August 2014
Energy Australia - Submission on NSW electricity distribution revenue proposals - 8 August 2014
Energy Australia - Attachment 2 - Oakley Greenwood Review of NSW DBs regulatory submission - 8 August 2014
EUAA - Submission on NSW electricity distribution revenue proposals - 8 August 2014
EnerNOC - Submission on NSW distributors' regulatory proposals - 8 August 2014
Origin Energy - Submission on NSW electricity distributor's regulatory proposals - 8 August 2014
Origin Energy - Attachment 2 - Oakley Greenwood: Review of NSW DBs regulatory submission - 8 August 2014
National Generators Forum - Submission to the AER on regulatory determinations - 30 June 2014
NSW DNSPs - Attachment 2 - ENA report: Assessing proposals for electricity network write-downs - 8 August 2014
Public Interest Adocacy Centre - Submission on NSW electricity distribution network price determination - 8 August 2014
Simply Energy - Submission on DNSPs regulatory proposals - 14 July 2014
Total Environment Centre - Submission on DNSPs regulatory proposal - 12 August 2014
UnitingCare Australia - Submission on DNSPs regulatory proposals - 3 September 2014
Vector Limited - Submission on AER Issues paper on NSW electricity distribution regulatory proposals - 8 August 2014
Submissions - to regulatory proposal on public lighting
Bankstown City Council - Submission on public lighting - 15 August 2014
City of Canterbury - Submission on Ausgrid public lighting pricing proposal - 12 August 2014
Cessnock City Council - Submission on public lighting - 22 August 2014
Gosford City Council - Submission on public lighting - 12 August 2014
Hurstville City Council - Submission on public lighting - 12 August 2014
Hornsby Shire Council - Submission on public lighting - 20 August 2014
Kogarah Council - Submission on Ausgrid public lighting pricing proposal - 8 August 2014
Ku-ring-gai Council - Submission on Ausgrid public lighting pricing proposal - 11 August 2014
Lake Macquarie City Council - Submission on public lighting - 14 August 2014
Marrickville Council - Submission on public lighting - 15 August 2014
Mosman Municipal Council - Submission on public lighting - 20 August 2014
North Sydney Council - Submission on Ausgrid public lighting pricing proposal - 8 August 2014
Pittwater Council - Submission on Ausgrid public lighting pricing proposal - 11 August 2014
Port Stephens Council - Submission on public lighting - 8 August 2014
Port Stephens Council - Submission on Ausgrid public lighting pricing proposal - 8 August 2014
Randwick City Council - Submission on public lighting - 20 August 2014
SSROC - Submission on Ausgrid public lighting pricing proposal - 8 August 2014
Sutherland Shire Council - Submission on public lighting - 20 August 2014
Woollahra Municipal Council - Submission on Ausgrid public lighting pricing proposal - 11 August 2014
Willoughby City Council - Submission on Ausgrid public lighting pricing proposal - 11 August 2014
Wyong Shire Council - Submission on public lighting - 2 September 2014
Regulatory information notice - Basis of preparation
Regulatory information notice - Audit report
Ausgrid - SKM Ausgrid Reset RIN non-financial Audit Report FINAL - 2014
Regulatory information notice - Responses
Ausgrid - Response to Reset Regulatory Information Notice - PUBLIC - 2014
Regulatory information notice - Statutory declaration and Board resolution
Ausgrid - Reset RIN Schedule 1 Question 33 - Certification of Board Resolution - 2014
Submissions - on public lighting confidentiality claims
On 15 July 2014, the AER invited submissions on the NSW distribution businesses public lighting confidentiality claims.
Submissions closed 29 July 2014. More information, including public versions of confidential documents which the AER is wishing to disclose, is available at the NSW electricty distribution determination - communications notice dated 15 July 2014..
SSROC - Submission to AER on NSW utility public lighting confidentiality claims - 28 July 2014
CENTROC - Submission to AER on NSW utility public lighting confidentiality claims - 28 July 2014
MIDROC - Submission to AER on NSW utility public lighting confidentiality claims - 28 July 2014
SEROC - Submission to AER on NSW utility public lighting confidentiality claims - 28 July 2014
Council letter to the AER - Public lighting confidentiality claims - 16 May 2014
Artcraft Urban Group - Response to disclosure notice - 15 August 2014
Gerard Professional Solutions - Response to disclosure notice - 15 August 2014
Hopgood Ganim (acting for ETS) - Response to disclosure notice - 15 August 2014
Stakeholder forum - Metering workshop
We held a workshop to explore the potential options for the treatment of metering exit fees. The workshop was held in Sydney on Thursday, 11 September 2014.